Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar
Diary of a Madman Is a farcical short story by NIkolaI Gogol. Along with ihe Overcoat and The Nose Diary of a Madman is considered to be one of Gogol' s greatest short stories The tale centers on the life of a minor civil servant during the repressive era of Nicholas l Following the format of a diar..
51,63TL 109,89TL
Vergiler Hariç:51,63TLCesur Genç Daren Genç ve cesur Daren çok sevdigi Betsy'yi iyilestirebilmek için siradan hayatini tehlikeye atar. Güzel Betsy'nin iyilesmesi için And Daglari'nin zirvesindeki kül kusunun yumurtasini bulmasi gerekmektedir. Üstelik bu tehlikeli yoluculugu aksi ve huysuz Mr. Madnes ile tamamlamasi gerek..
51,94TL 110,82TL
Vergiler Hariç:51,94TLLatif is a poor boy and lives with his father in Tehran. They leave their home to work and earn some money in the big city.But there are rich poeple too; they have nice houses, cars, villas, clothes and they get never hungry.Samed Behrangi shows us the big abyss between the poor and the rich through..
56,35TL 124,05TL
Vergiler Hariç:56,35TLEverybody knows the Andersen’s Fairy Tales and before bedtime, we all hear his tales.In this book, you will find the The Little Match Girl, The Emperor’s New Clothes, The Happy Family, Swineherd and The Fir Tree.With these boks, you will travel to the the world of magic, fun and wisdom.Ürün Adı: And..
56,35TL 124,05TL
Vergiler Hariç:56,35TLFor over two hundred years the powerful stories of the Brothers Grimm have enchanted millions around the world.This sumptuously illustrated collection of essential Grimm classics includes stories every childhood needs: Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel, The Golden Bird” and The Mouse, The Bird and The Sau..
56,35TL 124,05TL
Vergiler Hariç:56,35TLFinding her comfortable bourgeois existence as wife and mother predictable after eight years of marriage, Irene Wagner brings a little excitement into it by starting an affair with a rising young pianist. Her lover’s former mistress begins blackmailing her, threatening to give her secret away to her..
56,35TL 124,05TL
Vergiler Hariç:56,35TLWhen Heidi, a cheerful 5-year-old orphan, comes to live with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps, she brings a bright ray of sunshine into the lives of the people around her. Young Peter, a goatherd, shares her love of nature, and his blind grandmother delights in the little girl's bubbling personalit..
56,35TL 124,05TL
Vergiler Hariç:56,35TLIn the Penal Colony describes the last use of an elaborate torture and execution device that carves the sentence of the condemned prisoner on his skin before letting him die, all in the course of twelve hours. As the plot unfolds, the reader learns more and more about the machine, including its orig..
56,35TL 124,05TL
Vergiler Hariç:56,35TLOne night Peter is spotted and, while trying to escape, he loses his shadow. On returning to claim it, Peter wakes Mary's daughter, Wendy Darling. Wendy succeeds in re-attaching his shadow to him, and Peter learns that she knows lots of bedtime stories. He invites her to Neverland to be a mother to ..
56,35TL 124,05TL
Vergiler Hariç:56,35TLRobin Hood robbed from the rich and gave to the poor, and had escapades enough to please any adventure-loving child.Now even the youngest readers can have the chance to enter Sherwood Forest with Robin's band of merry men, and meet such unforgettable characters as Friar Tuck, Little John, Allan-a-Da..
56,35TL 124,05TL
Vergiler Hariç:56,35TLA young boy runs away from his violent drunken father. A runaway slave seeks his freedom. Together they journey down the Mississippi river on an epic adventure.A novel by Mark Twain, first published in England in December 1884 and in the United States in February 1885. It is told in the first person..
56,35TL 124,05TL
Vergiler Hariç:56,35TLHans and Gretel live in Holland and love skating very much.There will be a grand race and the winner will get a pair of Silver Skates. But they are very poor, their farher is sick and only their mother supports the family.Without skates, how will they enter the race and get the price?But there are s..
56,35TL 124,05TL
Vergiler Hariç:56,35TLPembe Gezegene Yolculuk Kutuplarda sakin bir hayat süren sevimli fok Tüyyumagi ve yaramaz arkadasinin dünyamizdan çok uzakta bulunan pembe gezegeni kesfetmelerini anlatiyor. (Tanitim Bülteninden)Ürün Adı: A Journey To The Pink Planet..
57,93TL 128,79TL
Vergiler Hariç:57,93TLSessiz Adanin Kayip Kuslari Patirti bandosu dünya turnesi için uzun bir yolculuga çikar fakat korkunç bir firtina onlari tuhaf bir adaya sürükler. Acimasiz panter kralin sessiz adasinda hapsolan kahramanlarimiz bu korkunç esir adasini özgürlestirmeye karar verir. (Tanitim Bülteninden)Ürün Adı: Lost ..
57,93TL 128,79TL
Vergiler Hariç:57,93TLHipopotam Lumbo Obur Lumbo arkadaslariyla harika vakit geçirmektedir. Bir gün nehir kenarinda güzel ve narin bir ceylan ile tanisir fakat bu tanisma onu çok mutsuz bir suaygiri yapar. (Tanitim Bülteninden)Ürün Adı: Lumbo The Hippo..
57,93TL 128,79TL
Vergiler Hariç:57,93TLRavu, Uvar ve Dünya'nin En Güçlü Adami Ravu ve Uvar Afrika'nin en güçlü güresçileridir ve tüm güresçiler onlara yenilmekten bikmistir. Bu yüzden sefleri onlari arka dünyanin en güçlü adamini bulup onunla güresmekle görevlendirir.(Tanitim Bülteninden)Ürün Adı: Ravu Uvar And The Strongest Man On Earth..
57,93TL 128,79TL
Vergiler Hariç:57,93TLRufus ve Renk Hirsizi Küçük ve zengin bir balikçi kasabasinda huzur içinde yasayan Rufus'un tek ugrasi heykel yapmaktir. Fakat kasabaya gelen yasli ve gizemli adamin rengârenk taslari Rufus'u ve tüm kasabayi bir felakete sürükler. (Tanitim Bülteninden)Ürün Adı: Rufus And The Colour Stealer..
57,93TL 128,79TL
Vergiler Hariç:57,93TLGizli Magara Sehri Pablo ve arkadasi bir magara kesfi sirasinda yüzyillardir gizli bir yeralti sehrinde yasayan Gnomlarlarla tanisirlar. Gnomlarin hayat ve isik kaynaklari olan Tor çalinmistir. Pablo ve arkadasi Toru bu gizli sehre geri getirmeye karar verirler ve tehlikeli bir maceraya atilirlar. (..
57,93TL 128,79TL
Vergiler Hariç:57,93TLTabut Tasiyicisi Tarihinin en sicak yazini geçiren sakin bir kasabaya tuhaf bir yabanci tasinir. Yeni komsularinin tasidigi tabutun gizemini dört merakli arkadas çözecektir. ... (Tanitim Bülteninden)Ürün Adı: The Coffin Carrier..
57,93TL 128,79TL
Vergiler Hariç:57,93TLElda'nin Zaman Yolculugu Elda sikici yasamindan bir an olsun uzaklasmak ister. Onun bu istegini anlayan çilgin bir mucit Elda'yi zamanin en uzak köselerine tasir. (Tanitim Bülteninden)Ürün Adı: Time Journeys Of Elda..
57,93TL 128,79TL
Vergiler Hariç:57,93TL