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Level 2 - The Scarlet Letter (4022)

Level 2 - The Scarlet Letter  (4022)
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Level 2 - The Scarlet Letter (4022)
Vergiler Hariç: 67,88TL
  • Stok: Stokta Var
  • Ürün Kodu: 1-0210241593444
  • Desi: 3
  • Kargo Firması :: Sürat Kargo

Mevcut Seçenekler:

THE SCARLET LETTin the 17th century Boston İs a small town. But ali the tovvnspeople wait for Hester Prynne. The beautiful young woman gets out of prison with a baby in her arms. They cali her "sinner". They want to know who the father of the child is. But Hester doesn't give a name. She keeps her secret and wears the scarlet letter "A" on her dress . "A" for adulteress. Only the power of love can make Hester confess her secret

Ürün Adı: Level 2 - The Scarlet Letter