Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar
Diary of a Madman Is a farcical short story by NIkolaI Gogol. Along with ihe Overcoat and The Nose Diary of a Madman is considered to be one of Gogol' s greatest short stories The tale centers on the life of a minor civil servant during the repressive era of Nicholas l Following the format of a diar..
57,12TL 70,89TL
Vergiler Hariç:57,12TLCesur Genç Daren Genç ve cesur Daren çok sevdigi Betsy'yi iyilestirebilmek için siradan hayatini tehlikeye atar. Güzel Betsy'nin iyilesmesi için And Daglari'nin zirvesindeki kül kusunun yumurtasini bulmasi gerekmektedir. Üstelik bu tehlikeli yoluculugu aksi ve huysuz Mr. Madnes ile tamamlamasi gerek..
57,48TL 71,82TL
Vergiler Hariç:57,48TLLatif is a poor boy and lives with his father in Tehran. They leave their home to work and earn some money in the big city.But there are rich poeple too; they have nice houses, cars, villas, clothes and they get never hungry.Samed Behrangi shows us the big abyss between the poor and the rich through..
62,55TL 85,05TL
Vergiler Hariç:62,55TLPembe Gezegene Yolculuk Kutuplarda sakin bir hayat süren sevimli fok Tüyyumagi ve yaramaz arkadasinin dünyamizdan çok uzakta bulunan pembe gezegeni kesfetmelerini anlatiyor. (Tanitim Bülteninden)Ürün Adı: A Journey To The Pink Planet..
64,37TL 89,79TL
Vergiler Hariç:64,37TLHipopotam Lumbo Obur Lumbo arkadaslariyla harika vakit geçirmektedir. Bir gün nehir kenarinda güzel ve narin bir ceylan ile tanisir fakat bu tanisma onu çok mutsuz bir suaygiri yapar. (Tanitim Bülteninden)Ürün Adı: Lumbo The Hippo..
64,37TL 89,79TL
Vergiler Hariç:64,37TLRavu, Uvar ve Dünya'nin En Güçlü Adami Ravu ve Uvar Afrika'nin en güçlü güresçileridir ve tüm güresçiler onlara yenilmekten bikmistir. Bu yüzden sefleri onlari arka dünyanin en güçlü adamini bulup onunla güresmekle görevlendirir.(Tanitim Bülteninden)Ürün Adı: Ravu Uvar And The Strongest Man On Earth..
64,37TL 89,79TL
Vergiler Hariç:64,37TLTabut Tasiyicisi Tarihinin en sicak yazini geçiren sakin bir kasabaya tuhaf bir yabanci tasinir. Yeni komsularinin tasidigi tabutun gizemini dört merakli arkadas çözecektir. ... (Tanitim Bülteninden)Ürün Adı: The Coffin Carrier..
64,37TL 89,79TL
Vergiler Hariç:64,37TLÜrün Adı: Kur'an Elifba (Arapça)..
71,97TL 109,62TL
Vergiler Hariç:71,97TL(1547-1616) The Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra was born on October 9, 1547 in Alcalá de Henares near Madrid. On September 19, 1580, Cervantes turned his experiences from captivity into a play entitled Los tratos de Argel . In order to pay off his debt, Miguel de Cervantes tried to ear..
80,84TL 132,75TL
Vergiler Hariç:80,84TLÜrün Adı: Aesop's Fables (Arapça)..
85,01TL 143,64TL
Vergiler Hariç:85,01TLÜrün Adı: Alice in Wonderland (Arapça)..
85,01TL 143,64TL
Vergiler Hariç:85,01TLÜrün Adı: Andersen's Fairy Tales (Arapça)..
85,01TL 143,64TL
Vergiler Hariç:85,01TLlady who had a comfortable life with his father in a fine house called Harifield in the village of Highbüry. She was only five when her mother died so her father found a governess to raise and to educate Emma. When she became a young lady she intended to be the matchmaker of the lonely hearts. But f..
85,01TL 143,64TL
Vergiler Hariç:85,01TLThe women are oppressed by the social expectations that prevail in Middlemarch. They are expected to cater to and remaîn dependent on their husbands. But Dorothea is subjected to some social ideals of what women should be. This is a tale of idealism, disillusion, loyalty and frusîrated love. Dorothe..
85,01TL 143,64TL
Vergiler Hariç:85,01TLThe life of a boy who waits for his love and happiness. He meets Maqwitch MIss Havisham and Estelia. And those people become the center of his life even when he is grown up. This story will make you constder your expectations from life.Ürün Adı: Level 4 - Great Expectations..
85,01TL 143,64TL
Vergiler Hariç:85,01TLClarissa Daltoway İs giving a party. Yet, her thoughts and feelings are stuck between her past and today. Her fırst lover Peter Walsh's visit makes Clarissa consider her marriage and life; while soon after the ist World War Septimus Warren Smİth kills himself to offer a tragedy for others who don't ..
85,01TL 143,64TL
Vergiler Hariç:85,01TLThe Strange Case OfDr. Jekyll And Mr. HydeHave you ever thought that you have more than öne character Have you ever wanted to revive the otherThis story explains afi possibilities and possible outcomes of this with a distinctive look to science fiction.Ürün Adı: Level 5 - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde..
85,01TL 143,64TL
Vergiler Hariç:85,01TLElinor and Marİanne Dashwood are sisters both of which are intelligent, sensitive, charming, and beautiful. in this brilliant story, Jane Austen explores two different ways of thmking, the 'sense' of Elinor and the 'sensibility' of Marİanne. Elinor values propriety and common sense; she is prudent a..
85,01TL 143,64TL
Vergiler Hariç:85,01TLFriday moved back running and he began to yell loudly. 'Master Master! Frightful! Very terrible, the cannibals!' 'What's up Friday?' I asked. 'THere...there, one, two, three canoe!' 'Well, Friday, you shouldn't be afraid of them.' I heartened him as possible as l could. He was so trembling that l in..
85,01TL 143,64TL
Vergiler Hariç:85,01TLWilliam Crimsworth tries to release from the social bondage of his family. After trying several jobs, he becomes a professor. Ttıen his life changes rapidly both academically and romantically. Even he could not imagine what has happened to his life.Ürün Adı: Level 6 - The Professor..
85,01TL 143,64TL
Vergiler Hariç:85,01TL