24 Restless Hour (Stage 1)

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24 Restless Hour (Stage 1)
Vergiler Hariç: 62,55TL
- Stok: Stokta Var
- Ürün Kodu: 1-0213947057685
- Desi: 3
- Kargo Firması :: Sürat Kargo
Mevcut Seçenekler:
Latif is a poor boy and lives with his father in Tehran. They leave their home to work and earn some money in the big city.
But there are rich poeple too; they have nice houses, cars, villas, clothes and they get never hungry.
Samed Behrangi shows us the big abyss between the poor and the rich through the eyes of Latif.
Ürün Adı: 24 Restless Hour (Stage 1)
But there are rich poeple too; they have nice houses, cars, villas, clothes and they get never hungry.
Samed Behrangi shows us the big abyss between the poor and the rich through the eyes of Latif.
Ürün Adı: 24 Restless Hour (Stage 1)
Ürün Özellikleri | |
BasimDili | Türkçe |
basimyili | 2020 ve öncesi |
KapakTuru | Ciltsiz |
Kitapicerigi | Deneme |
RomanTuru | Klasikler |
Sinif | 1.sınıf |
Yas | 0-3 Yaş |
Yayinevi | Maviçatı Yayınları |
Yazar | Samed Behrengi |
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