Heidi (Stage 1)

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Heidi (Stage 1)
Vergiler Hariç: 55,49TL
- Ürün Kodu: 1-0213947057692
- Desi: 3
- Kargo Firması :: Sürat Kargo
Mevcut Seçenekler:
When Heidi, a cheerful 5-year-old orphan, comes to live with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps, she brings a bright ray of sunshine into the lives of the people around her. Young Peter, a goatherd, shares her love of nature, and his blind grandmother delights in the little girl's bubbling personality. Even Heidi's surly and hermit-like grandfather, the old Alm-Uncle, finds his long-lost grandchild a source of immense pleasure.
A few years later, when she is forced to go to Frankfurt to serve as a companion for Clara, she is a sickly girl, Heidi must leave her beloved mountains and friends behind an experience that proves highly traumatic to the innocent and sensitive little girl.
Ürün Adı: Heidi (Stage 1)
A few years later, when she is forced to go to Frankfurt to serve as a companion for Clara, she is a sickly girl, Heidi must leave her beloved mountains and friends behind an experience that proves highly traumatic to the innocent and sensitive little girl.
Ürün Adı: Heidi (Stage 1)
Ürün Özellikleri | |
BasimDili | Türkçe |
basimyili | 2020 ve öncesi |
KapakTuru | Ciltsiz |
Kitapicerigi | Deneme |
RomanTuru | Klasikler |
Sinif | 1.sınıf |
Yas | 0-3 Yaş |
Yayinevi | Maviçatı Yayınları |
Yazar | Johanna Spyri |
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